
Podcast: The Healing Power of Forest Bathing

Dr. Harmony Robinson-Stagg and Michelle delve into the practice of forest bathing, exploring its origins, benefits, and the profound connection it fosters between individuals and nature.

Michelle shares her personal journey from a beach-loving lifestyle to embracing the forest, highlighting the therapeutic effects of nature on mental health and well-being.

The discussion also touches on the cultural significance of forest bathing, its scientific backing, and practical ways to connect with nature, even in urban settings.

Ultimately, the conversation emphasises the importance of nurturing our relationship with the natural world and recognising it as a source of life and healing.

listen here

200hrs for a Lifetime of Living Yoga

Before embarking on this 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training course with Michelle, I had little to no knowledge of the ā€˜yogic way of lifeā€™ and the rich history and philosophy that follows.Ā 

I discovered and learned so much about yoga during our training, but was not expecting to uncover so much about myself along the way.Ā Ā 

I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude for having had the opportunity to learn from a teacher like Michelle.Ā 

Her dedication, patience, wisdom, and warmth are poured into every session, and she has so much to share and give to all she meets.Ā 

I left every weekend feeling so inspired and with my cup overflowing.

Weekends spent at Essence of Living were something truly special and eye-opening.Ā 

I love how our open conversations were a safe space to share and learn and these moments I will always cherish.Ā 

The time shared with Michelle and my yogi peers is held so close to my heart and I cannot recommend her teacher training course enough.Ā 

The decision to begin this course is a decision I'll be forever grateful for.Ā 

~Ā  Chantelle Tamasese

200hr yoga tt

Healthy Hardship Creates Happiness

We cannot know light without darkness, joy without sorrow & I believe we cannot truly feel happiness without enduring hardship.

We only appreciate the view from the top of the mountain if we have endured the struggle to the summit.

And, itā€™s often the harder or higher the summit the more satisfying & rewarding the experience feels.

Itā€™s like the old saying ā€˜Easy come, easy go!ā€™

But, when we have poured our hearts into conquering a challenge, stretch ourselves outside of our comfort zone & grow in a myriad of ways due to hardship that we not only feel more capable, but also more confident in ourselves.

Just like water tastes better when we are thirsty & food tastes better when we are hungry, gaining mastery over something difficult makes it so much sweeter when we reap the fruits of our efforts.

In my opinion, if we want more happiness in our lives we need to set ourselves new personal or professional intentions to work towards.

When we have a compass to follow, an internal direction to work towards it helps transform our mundane daily activities into intentional actions that are congruent & on track with our personal mission.

Why not set yourself a challenge aligned with your brightest self or sign yourself up to learn something new?

Both hardship & happiness are found in the beginning, sustaining & ending of the journey.

They are two sides of the same coin.

It's all perspective so let's honour the struggle because it's making us both stronger & happier in the long run.

online courses

This Yin Yoga Stuff Really Works

I am Brooke a yoga teacher from up north & I joined the Yin Yoga teacher training course with Essence of Living firstly, because it was a convenient time for me as I was going through some personal challenges in my life &Ā it was the perfect time just after my university studies finished.Ā 

I really wanted to expand my skills to share and support my students at the yoga studio I teach at in Rockhampton.

Before the course started Michelle helped me find accommodation which was amazing & I appreciated it because I didnā€™t know anyone in the region.

The week was an eye opener for me!

I had to learn how to sit with myself and sit in that discomfort.

I remember at the start of the week I was freaking out about some discomforts, but by the end of the week I was calm that even on Thursday towards the end of the week I work up and someone had hit me car through the night.

Michelle & all the other lovely teacher trainers worked together supporting me to show up & get to class.

I was surprised at my own state & how I handled the situation, it was a clicking point for me that the stuff we had been learning through the week was working.

All the different tools, techniques, philosophies we had learnt such as fascia release, taoism, buddhism & concepts of yin yoga really work when we embody them.

This stuff I will not only continue to use in my personal life but Iā€™m keen to share with others so we are able to face some of those storms a little stronger & able to keep making those steps forward one step at a time.

The assignments that we do also really helped me change some concepts of how I was looking at personal situations & I want to share these in my classes, I am so grateful for these teachings.

I love that Michelle is still available to hold me accountable after the course has finished as that is something I really need in my life & is only a phone call or text message away.

She is there to discuss how I am going & how I can show up as best teacher I can be for my community.

~ Brooke Goetz

Yin Yoga tt

AI an Attack on Humanity

I have always been very intuitive & my gut instincts are on high alert as I believe we are about to have a massive shift in the way the whole world works.

I donā€™t have a crystal ballĀ but, I can sense something big is happening & we are like the apologue of the frogĀ in a pot of water slowing being brought to the boil.

With so much uncertainty around the future of the human species & its integration with self-thinking AI Agents & super computers I canā€™t help but be forced even more into the generous present moment.

All I know for sure is what I have NOW, this moment, this breath, this sensory experience with the real world around me.

More than ever I believe in the importance & impact of deep human connection & in a society that is becoming more disconnected & disenchanted by the beauty of Mother Earth, I feel itā€™s my mission to remind people of the power of community & nature.

Last week I had a number of clients over joyed with my return to teaching because they much prefer practicing in person in a room of like minded people opposed to at home alone or online.

As a mother, I think of my kids future in a world where the majority of jobs as we know them will be gone in the next 10 years.

As I sit & contemplate the change that is coming I canā€™t help but hope that humanity will return to the heart & seek raw & real connection & community.

In a technologically advanced world with limitless information & application at our fingertips I predict that we will need to sharpen the sword of discrimination between what is real & unreal, true & false more than ever.

I expect that those who have embodied self mastery or reached the pinnacle of an athletic pursuit will always be sort after to inspire others, as well as those who can tune into their 6th sense & connect with the heart of others will also be valued & in demand.

I trust that as a species we will always seek meaningful connections like moths to a flame.

One of my favourite quotes of all time is from @tonyrobbins ā€˜The quality of your life ultimately depends on the quality of your relationships!ā€™

šŸ“ø AI generated photo my husband created & sent me back in 2018!!!

Community connection

More Than Just a Pilates Course

Feeling beyond grateful for the incredible journey I had during my Pilates teacher training with Michelle & the Essence of Living Academy.

Michelle is a true wealth of knowledge, not only within her extensive skills & experience within the Pilates industry but also in life.

Her wisdom & guidance went far beyond the Pilates mat, encouraging me to believe in myself & inspire me to step into teaching with confidence, heart & purpose.

Her mentorship & support also extends far beyond the training itself.

When I first began Pilates, it was to support my chronic pain as a result of exercising in ways that didn't support my body.

What I've gained has exceeded far beyond that - not only improved mobility & strength, but a deeper connection to my body & the powerful role that breath plays in healing & movement.

During Pilates TT, there were definitely moments of self-doubt however Michelle was always there, helping me move past those barriers.

Her support made all the difference in cultivating both physical strength & emotional resilience.

Michelle's training also taught me the power & importance of listening to my body's wisdom, respect its limitations, and most importantly, honour it in every movement.Ā 

She empowered & equipped me to confidently provide modifications, knowing that everybody is unique & thats what makes Pilates so personal.

She's shown me that teaching Pilates is not just about the physical practice - it's about guiding others to listen to their bodies too, connect with their breath, & move with intention.

This transformational training is much more than Pilates instructing.

It's an opportunity to challenge yourself & confront limiting beliefs, all within a supportive & nurturing environment.

Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of the body, develop a stronger mind-body connection, or simply grow personally, Michelle's training is for anyone who wants to learn more about how movement, breath, & awareness can positively impact your life.

~ Elleise Miranda

Pilates TT

The Light & Dark of The Human Experience

When serious health issues hit your family you canā€™t help but be reminded of the light & dark of the human experience.

And, it could not of been more evident during this weeks Yin Yoga Teacher Training course when I got the news.

When we look at the yin & yang symbol it sums life up in its colour, shape & design.

On one side we are living in the light & experience moments of darkness & on the other hand we are living in the dark & experiencing moments of lightness.

We are forever ebbing & flowing from light & dark as there are many layers & levels of our yin & yang experiences & expressions.

And yet, everything is whole & complete as it is.

Light isnā€™t better than dark, itā€™s just a different reflection of oneness.

Similar to the sun shining on an object, yet casting a shadow simultaneously.

This duality of life simply displays our interdependence and interconnectedness with all of lifeā€™s experiences both enjoyed & endured.

Without one, the other loses its meaning.

And, who is to say what is light & dark as itā€™s all subjective based on personal preferences & perspective coloured by time, place & circumstance.

For me being with these women for 5 dayā€™s in paradise enjoying meditation sessions with the sunrise & then blissfully stretching our bodies, minds & hearts throughout the day is living in the light.

When I got the news it didnā€™t diminish my light, in fact the shadow only made me even more grateful as it highlighted the blessing that I still have more time with my loved ones!

It has made me even more inspired to make magical memories with them.

Life is precious, surround yourself with people who are aligned with your soul & inspire you to shine brighter.

Do the things that light up your heart, take that holiday, do that course, make those memories & let your loved ones know you love them šŸ¤

Yin Yoga TT

Wow, what an experience!

Completing my Pilates teacher training with Michelle was one of the best decisions I have made for myself, & it is an investment that your future self will deeply thank you for!

I had wanted to complete my Pilates Teacher Training for about a year before I decided to enroll in Michelleā€™s course; it had taken me so long to decide on a training provider as I wanted to make sure I was choosing the best place for me & my learning journey.

And so, I spent months reading websites & testimonials, talking to staff & graduates from different providers, & creating the good old trusty pros & cons lists.

And yet, despite all of this, I couldnā€™t stop thinking about Essence of Living; after visiting the website & talking to Michelle over the phone, it was as if my gut feeling was screaming, ā€œTHIS IS THE PLACE TO DO IT.ā€

And so, I followed my gut feeling & Iā€™m so glad I did.

From the first day of training, Michelle welcomed us into her home & training space amongst the forestry with open arms & a loving heart.

Michelle has such a beautiful, motherly presence where I always felt so seen, heard, understood, & valued throughout the entire experience, as well as to this very day.

Michelleā€™s passion & dedication to the Pilates craft is truly unmatched & it shines through her entire presence & teaching philosophy by supporting you to become the best Pilates instructor & version of yourself.

Although Michelle definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone, it was the best way for me to learn the skills & knowledge that I needed to start teaching as soon as I finished the course.

Not only did this Teacher Training benefit my professional learning journey, it allowed me to learn a lot about myself & overcome personal challenges as Michelle created a safe space.

Iā€™m extremely grateful that I made the decision to do my Pilates Teacher Training at Essence of Living & I will be forever thankful for the opportunities & experience.

If youā€™re currently deciding whether or not you should enroll in Teacher Training or commit to any other type of education, course, or degree, all I can say is to listen to your gut & simply give it a go!

After all, learning is never wasted & it allows us to keep getting better each day.

~ Kaylah Binkins

Pilates TT

From the Frying Pan to the Fire

Iā€™m not sure if anyone else can relate, but 2023 was my biggest year of letting go to date.

Not only did I close my studio after 19 years of unwavering passion & purpose, perimenopause hit me hard with countless symptoms from sleepless nights, hair loss, weight gain, skin issues, anxiety & heart palpitations to name a few.

I was recovering from a significant back injury & it felt like I had jumped out of the frying pan of chronic continuous pain in 2022 & into the fire of perimenopause in 2023.

The good news 2024 saw my symptoms significantly settle but my menstrual cycle is now far & few in-between bleeds.

In fact, I began bleeding šŸ©ø at only 10 yearā€™s of age, but like my family always reminds me I like to do things early!

I was born 3 months premature, I opened my business at 22 years old & am Iā€™m now transitioning into menopause at 43 years young.

Last year I let go of lots of old leaves & planted many new seeds & as the year ended I could feel the tides turning in who I am as a woman & what that means to me.

Itā€™s as if the clouds have lifted & my paradigm has shifted, gone are the days of grasping, reaching & striving, hereā€™s to sitting in the centre of deep resting, trusting & natural unfolding.

This pretty much sums up my modus operandi ā€˜You canā€™t open a rose with a crowbarā€™ ~ Zen proverb

Flowers continue to grow because thatā€™s their nature, they follow the source of light, they donā€™t compare or compete, they simply share themselves unapologetically & bloom as they were born to.

I am looking forward to blooming beside YOU in the garden of life this year & beyond šŸŒ¹šŸŒŗšŸŒ·šŸŒøšŸŒ¼šŸŒ»šŸŖ»

New Monthly ā€˜Living Yoga Immersionsā€™ being announced at the end of the week šŸ«¶šŸ»

Living Yoga Immersion

Pro Surfer Zahil to Pilates Teacher

Completing Pilates teacher training has profoundly transformed me in ways I could never have anticipated.

Initially, I embarked on the journey seeking a deeper connection with my body & a desire to help others experience the same.

However, what I discovered was far more transformative than I imagined.

Through the rigorous study & practice of Pilates, I developed a heightened awareness of my own body, not just in terms of strength & flexibility, but also in how I move through space, breathe, & connect with the present moment.

Pilates has taught me to listen more closely to my bodyā€™s needs & limitations, allowing me to cultivate greater self-compassion & mindfulness in my daily life.

This newfound awareness extends beyond physical movement; teaching me to stay grounded & centred, even during stressful moments.

The process of becoming a Pilates teacher also shifted my perspective on how I view teaching & leading others.

I learned the importance of clear communication, empathy, & patience.

Every client is unique, & guiding someone through their own physical & mental transformations requires an approach that honors their individual experiences.

This has made me more patient & understanding, both with myself & others.

Itā€™s not just about teaching exercises; itā€™s about encouraging self-discovery, fostering empowerment, & helping people connect to their bodies in a way that supports their overall well-being.

Pilates Teacher Training has shaped me into a more compassionate & mindful person, both in my personal life & professional endeavours.

The dedication & discipline required throughout the training also instilled a sense of resilience in me.

I learned to embrace challenges & setbacks, seeing them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.

The balance between strengthening the body &Ā nurturing the mind through Pilates has taught me the importance of taking care of both aspects in harmony.

Pilates Teacher Training has empowered me to lead with confidence, live with intention, & inspire others to do the same.

The essence of living Iā€™ve come to understand it, is about being fully present, honouring oneā€™s body & mind & creating space for growth - Pilates has made that a reality in my life.

~ Zahil Hession

Pilates TT

The Golden Years... Soaking it all up!

As hard as it was to close my studio I am so grateful that I did as these precious years with my young family will never return.

No one on their death bed ever said ā€˜I wish I worked more!ā€™

The gifts I have gained from letting go include; more time, more energy & more presence to name a few!

It takes courage to align with your highest values as sometimes they arenā€™t accepted by everyone.

All I know for sure is that when I follow my heart, whilst being smart in the process I am so much happier & healthier on every level.

In fact, I just googled the main regrets of the dying & this is what I discovered:

1) ā€œI wish Iā€™d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.ā€

2) ā€œI wish I hadnā€™t worked so hard.ā€

3) ā€œI wish Iā€™d had the courage to express my feelings.ā€

4) ā€œI wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.ā€

5) ā€œI wish I had let myself be happierā€

Itā€™s funny reading these points as they completely echo my own realisations.

Practicing yoga prepares us for death everyday in our savasana pose as we get the opportunity to reflect, review & realign to what truly matters.

This is the traditional intention of the posture, not relaxation!

So next time you are in savasana contemplate your own death & take a deep dive into your priorities & practices.

For my friends who donā€™t practice yoga, sit under a tree & give yourself the gift of contemplating your own mortality.

If you are anything like me you will find it extremely liberating.

Yoga Classes

When Dreams Come True

I will be forever dreaming of my time in paradise with Michelle and my yogi sisters for our yoga teacher training.

A truly special experience, to sit under the golden sunshine, learn how to live yoga and evolve with like-hearted souls.Ā 

Everything has been thought of and included within the training to make each of us feel so supported and well rounded.

Not only do you learn all about yoga, the body and the business, you get to know yourself better alongside a group of incredible people who are growing with you.Ā 

I particularly resonated with the introduction to yoga history and philosophy which is mind blowing!

It connects all the different aspects of yoga and leads to a lot of (optional) interesting reading which I loved.

Some of my favourite shares and conversations came from this part of the course.

Practicing pranayama and asana with adjustments first thing each morning was simply blissful.

Michelleā€™s guidance is pure magic.

Sharing from the heart, she has so many insightful and practical little gems of information from her many years of experience.

Helping to bring through numerous realisations that, for me, explain life and how to live it moving forward.

I will be forever grateful for these teachings, so thank you Michelle.Ā 

And thank you to all the supporting educators who add so much to the course as well.

Weaving Ayurveda, nutrition and anatomy seamlessly into the course.Ā 

If there is even a small light in you that is calling to do a course with Essence of Living take the plunge, trust your gut.

Indulge in the teachings and enjoy every moment because it goes too fast!

I feel incredibly grateful to have been on this adventure but it doesnā€™t end here.

Inspired for life āœØ

~ Lisa Sheree


vinyasa yoga tt

How we can Learn from Nature

This is a very special episode because I get to share me life's experience as a twin mother, devoted wife, yoga & pilates teacher trainer & landcare conservationist.

I will share beautiful insights to how e can learn from n aturee, embrace our bow + arrow season and how being in alignment and leading with the heart has allowed me to feel truly the most joyous and fulfilled I have in my life.

Inside, you'll hear chats about:

  • How setbacks are not failures - its a strategy for success
  • I share my secrets for success in growing a thriving business
  • Powerful insights and my biggest lesson upon deciding to close the studio after 2 decades
  • How shifting away from "doing" and just "being" has helped her to make more impact than ever

To listen, head over to the YOU Unlocked Podcast on Spotify.

Listen Here

Yoga Teacher Turned Pilates Teacher

I recently completed the hybrid Pilates teacher training with Michelle.

It was a last-minute decision, but one of the best decisions of my life.

The timing and stars all aligned for me to undertake the training; the universe sometimes speaks very loudly.Ā 

Set amongst the rolling hills of the Gold Coast hinterland, Michelleā€™s teacher training was the perfect location to focus on all things Pilates.

The sounds of the birds including whip birds made her impossibly difficult classes that little bit sweeter.

The 5 weekends went so quickly I was so sad when they were over.

The last day at the nearby rock pools was an absolute treat which we all relished.

Michelleā€™s on-line component was very thorough as were the specialist speakers.

The wide range of content meant that we all graduate a holistic practitioner ready for the real world.

I was very fortunate that Michelle offered me a permanent class just before I graduated!

The large repertoire of online classes meant I could still work and look after my family and practice in my own time in my own home.

Michelleā€™s generosity of spirit and heart was evident as she openly shared her home and life with us all.

Michelle is the absolute Pilates guru having mastered the business for over 20 years on the Gold Coast.

We were all so fortunate to soak up all her knowledge and wisdom during the course.

I highly recommend this teacher training and have no doubt Michelleā€™s future students will also gain immensely from the training.

Pilates tt

Hard work Beats Talent

Itā€™s been a roller coaster šŸŽ¢ month of lessons & learnings for Kobe as he has been through a very challenging process of trialing for his favourite soccer club Gold Coast United Football Club

Kobe is a late bloomer, he has only lost 3 teeth šŸ¦· is still super small & far behind most of the boys in his development.

Making it much harder when he is competing against not only talented kids, but those much bigger & stronger!

After the first day of his soccer trials he cried his eyes šŸ˜­ out because he didnā€™t think he would make the Academy team which would mean he wouldnā€™t get the same level of coaching & opportunities in the game he loves so much!

His tears broke my heart, however I believe in tough love & I honestly said to him that he isnā€™t as good as some of the boys, however I believe he will work harder, train longer & is more resilient.

So after that day, we signed up to every extra off season training opportunity so he could work towards being ready for the academy team if not next year, the year after!

We explained to Kobe that if he really wants it he needs to prove to his coaches that he is willing to outwork everyone even if he wasnā€™t the best!

Both my husband & I are extremely hard working & are not scared of digging deep & doing what needs to be done in order to get the results we are so passionately working towards.

He asked me to design him a strength & conditioning program he could do daily to get stronger which he has been doing religiously & his mindset has gone from self doubting to that of a champion saying ā€˜Iā€™m going to make it!ā€™

I canā€™t tell you how valuable this process has been for him, at 8 years old he really understands that we have to work hard to make our dreams come true & that things donā€™t just magically manifest!

Talent can of course be very helpful & gives an advantage initially, but it will only take us so far.

The true secret behind every success story is someone who has had the courage to dream, the strength to commit to it & the resilience to consistently show up through all of the challenges that inevitably present themselves.

The good news, yesterday he got a letter of offer & his coach said it was because of his work ethic šŸ„¹

Italian Aupair Follows Her Passion to Teach Yoga

Hello, itā€™s Marghi from Italy!

I remember getting to Australia in a place where I was feeling quite lost and was desperately looking for answers to reconnect some patterns of my life.

Most of those explanations I was able to find them with yoga under the supportive guide of Michelle.

She has the ability to make you feel the teachings, her words really get deep in your heart and I think thatā€™s the best way you could learn about yoga.

It is a really sensational journey you get to share with beautiful likeminded people, surrounded by Mother Nature which makes it a whole different experience.

Best part of it is that the journey actually just started and will never end, and Iā€™m really excited to be in it life longing.

I feel ready and blessed to start my journey as a yoga teacher and share with you what I learnt and keep learning.

Thank you Michelle for the precious time together.

~ Margherita Gennaro

vinyasa yoga tt

What People Don't See Behind Closed Doors

A well known quote my husband Brad Cassidy shared with me in the kitchen a few weeks ago sums it up perfectly ā€˜Everyone wants the glory of the view from the top of the mountain, but no one wants to endure the struggle or sacrifice it takes to climb to the top!ā€™

Yesterday he competed for the Australian Natural Body Building Title in a brand new category Physique & as a Master (over 40s) which he won both!

But, like he told the kids all week leading up to the competition, it doesnā€™t really matter what he places as in his mind he has already won!

The kids were a little confused but as he explained whatā€™s most important is that he had done his absolute best, he had loved the process & grown so much along the journey that the final result from the judges didnā€™t even matter!

Itā€™s been so inspiring for the kids to witness their dad transform over the last year as he has been working so hard from the build phase gaining 14kg to then strip it all away stronger than ever before šŸ’ŖšŸ¼

However, the strength has been far more than gaining extra muscle mass!

The commitment required is insane from food to fitness, everything is calculated all whilst balancing businesses, property & family.

I have to admit itā€™s hard not to be inspired when you are married to someone who has such high standards across all areas of life!

Someone once asked me ā€˜If I could invite 3 of the most inspiring people either living or dead to join me for dinner who would I invite?ā€™

My response was;
1. Oprah
2. Mahatma Gandhi
3. My husband Brad

What I love about this achievement is that we are never too old to try something new, to learn new things or to set big goals for ourselves.

The truth is, I actually donā€™t have any big personal goals right now!

I am so content within myself that my main goal is to help my family members & teacher trainees achieve their dreams!

Because, behind every successful person are their devoted supporters & guides who help them make their dreams come true!

For me my mission is to help others reach their full potential & Iā€™m looking forward to starting Pilates Teacher Training this weekend šŸš€

Pilates TT

Never Give Up on Yourself or Your Dreams

For over three decades yoga has been my sanctuary, my constant companion.

What began as a simple practice to manage stress and cultivate physical wellbeing evolved into a profound journey of self discovery.

After 30 years of personal practice I found myself at a crossroads.

Yoga was initially a simple way to counterbalance the demands of life and guide me towards inner peace.

After becoming lost in this fast paced forever changing world, my desire to deepen my relationship with yoga and to connect with my true essence was the spark that led me to formally embark on my yoga pathway with Michelle, starting with my 200hr Teaching Training.

Looking towards studying after many decades focusing on raising a family, supporting a partner and managing the runnings of day to day life was very daunting, until my call with Michelle.

Michelleā€™s vibrant energy and thirst for sharing her passion for yoga and a yogic way of living is inspirational.

The wisdom that she shares nourishes your heart and touches your soul.

Michelleā€™s teaching took me out of my comfort zone.

Her self paced style of teaching supported me when I needed it and gave me the strength to forge forward when I believed I didnā€™t belong.

Yoga training has given me tools to navigate lifeā€™s challenges with grace, resilience and presence and by walking this pathway I feel a passion to support others, whether itā€™s by teaching or simply inspiring others to explore beyond their personal limitations.

As I continue my yoga journey with Michelle working through my 100hr Yin Teacher Training I have a renewed sense of pride.

Yoga is no longer just a personal refuge itā€™s my connection to self empowerment!

I hope to share the ripple effect that Michelle creates in fostering, peace and connection within the community.

Yoga has been a steady companion through the ebbs and flows of my life and this could inspire others to see yoga as a lifelong practice of growth, healing and discovery.

Thank you Michelle for opening my heart to endless possibilities.

~ Kirsty Rogers

yin yoga tt

Feeling Wired & Tired? You Are Not Alone

Have you ever wondered why you feel exhausted, yet canā€™t sleep at night? šŸ„ŗ

There is a high probability that your nervous system (NS) is out of balance! āš–ļø

I will never forget when I first heard the saying, ā€˜We are all just walking nervous systems!ā€™ šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļø

Our NS is so intelligent, it not only communicates with the outside world, it also has many mechanisms inside our body that it controls.

It takes in information through our senses, processes the information and triggers reactions, such as making our muscles move or causing us to feel pain.

In brief, there are two parts:

The voluntary NS that controls all the things that we are aware of and can consciously influence, such as moving the muscles in our face, our arms, legs and torso.

The involuntary NS that regulates the processes in the body that we cannot consciously influence, such as breathing, heart beat and metabolic processes.

It does this by receiving signals from the brain and passing them on to the body. šŸ§ 

It can also send signals in the other direction ā€“ from the body to the brain ā€“ providing your brain with information about how full our bladder is or how quickly our heart is beating! šŸ’“

The involuntary NS is made up of:

* The sympathetic NS

* The parasympathetic NS

The sympathetic NS prepares our body for physical and mental activity, making our heart beat faster and stronger, opens our airways so we can breathe more easily, and inhibits digestion.

The parasympathetic NS on the other hand, is responsible for bodily functions when we are at rest: it stimulates digestion, activates various metabolic processes and helps us to relax. šŸ˜Œ

Most of us have over stimulated sympathetic NS & need to switch into our parasympathetic NS!

I have found the best way to harmonise my NS is through these four practices:

1. Meditation & Pranayama (Breath-work) šŸŒ¬ļø

2. Mindful Movement such as Yoga & Pilates šŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

3. Time in Nature simply Being šŸŒæ

4. Follow the Sun For Sleeping & Eating ā˜€ļø

We are nature šŸŒ³ so letā€™s get back to our roots & realign.

Forest Bathing

More Than a Teacher Training Course

Itā€™s one thing to become a yoga & Pilates teacher, itā€™s another to become a yoga & Pilates studio owner & over the last 16 years I have had the good fortune to be at the beginning of that journey for many aspiring teachers & studio owners.

Sowing the seeds & sharpening the swords of countless spiritual warriors has been both an honour & privilege I feel blessed to call my lifeā€™s mission.

Today I thought Iā€™d share with you one of many messages that enter my inbox each week from studio owners who call me for advice & support along the way.

Darling Michelle,

I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for my training and for your love and guidance as a yoga and Pilates teacher.

I think of you all the time when Iā€™m teaching and send love and gratitude your way just mentally and spiritually thanking you for everythingā€¦ in the hardest time of my life you literally were a massive part of my healing and I will always be grateful for you.

Thank you for being the best teacher I could have ever hoped for.

Love you loads

~ Natalie Rasmussen šŸ©·Ā 

Natalie is one of the most incredible women I have ever meet & in the last 16 years there have been two earth angels that have come through my academy that have shined brighter than the sun ā˜€ļø Natalie is one of them!

Her selfless service rescuing wildlife (primarily possums & koalas) for the last 18 years is truly inspiring.

Just being in her presence, she lifts your frequency to another level.

If you are looking for a heart driven studio & want to be surrounded by high vibe people look no further than Soul Squeeze.

vinyasa yoga tt

No Love = No Power

We may perceive love as a sign of vulnerability or of weakness, yet, in truth, it is a hallmark of true strength.

Albert Einstein famously said ā€˜Love is the most powerful force in the universeā€™.

It is powerful because it can overcome obstacles, break down barriers, and offer solace in distress.

It brings about feelings of empathy, compassion, and selflessness, and can motivate us to do extraordinary things for the well-being and happiness of our loved ones.

Love is a powerful, complex emotional experience that involves changes in our bodies chemistry, including our neurotransmitters (brain chemicals).

It impacts our social relationships in varied ways, affecting how you relate to others around us.

Studies have shown that our happiness levels soar when we prioritize love and nurture strong relationships.

Itā€™s as if love opens up a world of joy, fulfillment, purpose, and meaning that we never knew existed.

True love is such a powerful force that has been written about and celebrated for centuries.

It is often described as an intense feeling of deep affection and connection between two people.

While many may view love as a simple emotion, the power of true love goes far beyond mere feelings.

The strongest type of love is Agape ā€” Selfless Love.

Agape is the highest level of love to offer, it is a type of love that is not sexual and is not concerned with yourself; used especially in Christianity to refer to Christian love: Agape is a giving love, entirely unselfish.

Itā€™s given without any expectations of receiving anything in return.

Offering Agape is a decision to spread love in any circumstances ā€” including destructive situations.

So, letā€™s spread a little more love because it truly does make life sweeter not only for ourselves but the whole world benefits from our unselfish love.

Photos captured by a very special wedding yesterday of two of our favourite people JJ & T šŸ’’

Baby onboard didn't stop this Pilates Trainee

Completing my Pilates Mat Teacher Training was a long and rocky journey and absolutely all worth it.

When I first signed up, I wasnā€™t sure if it was the right path for me.

It was more to have an extra qualification to add onto my Personal Training business as some of my clients kept asking for Pilates.

Finishing the course, I feel like I am a changed person.

Not only adding value to my PT business, but also learning more about myself & my body which in turn has shown me how to help others find their way to or back into exercising.

Pilates is made up of safe exercises that literally everyone can do, as it is so versatile and adjusts around the person.

After signing up to the course, I fell pregnant, so by the time the course came around I was 15 weeks pregnant and in the middle of a back injury.

Michelle was super supportive and encouraged me to give it a go & showed me how to move mindfully even though I hardly could move without pain at the start.

I successfully completed the training and worked my way through the practical Pilates classes right up to 30 weeks pregnant as I knew how to modify & adjust to support my body whilst keeping my baby safe inside.

I took a little break from my practical classes and completed the rest of my classes & course work after I had my little one when the time was right.

Along the way I faced countless challenges and hurdles, Michelle never gave up on me and always was there when I needed that little extra support.

Pilates kept my body both strong & moving during pregnancy and helped me a lot with my recovery after having my little one.

I have never regretted any minute of my training and would do it all over again.

Michelle is the best teacher.

I love doing her teacher trainings (I completed 200hr yoga TT with her also) as she brings so much value and wisdom to all her training and classes.

If you are on the fence, then do it, you will not regret it!

~ Daniela Becker

Pilates tt

Sharing the Healing Powers of Nature

Dr. Harmony Robinson-Stagg and Michelle delve into the practice of forest bathing, exploring its origins, benefits, and the profound connection it fosters between individuals and nature.

Michelle shares her personal journey from a beach-loving lifestyle to embracing the forest, highlighting the therapeutic effects of nature on mental health and well-being.

The discussion also touches on the cultural significance of forest bathing, its scientific backing, and practical ways to connect with nature, even in urban settings.

Ultimately, the conversation emphasises the importance of nurturing our relationship with the natural world and recognising it as a source of life and healing.

listen here

Online Offerings
Learning online has never looked so good!!

ā€“ Start ANYTIME and go at your own pace!Ā 

ā€“ 6 months access toĀ work your way through the content

ā€“Ā CombineĀ any of these online coursesĀ and any of our heart-to-heart in personĀ courses to a total of 300hrs to receive an EOL 300hr Teacher Training Certificate!

Patanjaliā€™s yoga sutras
roll & release
the art of science & meditation
yoga history & philosophy